Parachutes Childcare Limited

learning to play, playing to learn
High Quality Childcare

Parachutes Childcare Limited was established in 2011. With 6 Nurseries located in South Wales, we provide the highest quality childcare in Cardiff. All staff are highly qualified and dedicated to enhancing children's best outcomes.

Each of our nurseries is managed by an experienced Leader, Deputy Leader and Manager. They are responsible for the day to day running of the nursery and work closely with the Directors who oversee every aspect of the organisation. We have a team of full and part-time Nursery Nurses caring for your children, ensuring sufficient cover for holidays, sickness and training.

We ensure there is a good balance between structured, high quality planned learning through play and child-initiated experiences.

Our Staff teams ensure daily that children are given opportunities to be creatively involved in their own learning. We ensure children have a voice and that they to are involved in the learning experiences and opportunities. that are on offer daily. By ensuring children are involved in the planning we are able to provide opportunities for children to build on their ability, interests and understanding.

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